Thursday, October 10, 2019

Composition: Points to Ponder

Simplicity: the cracks on the tree eliminates distracting elements.

Multiple Subjects: their are many leaves to see.

brightness and sharpness: because only make the light bulb actually lighting up.

"bull's eye": because its not being straight.

Rule of thirds: because i'm putting the main focus on the left corner.

Foreground: placing the rocks in the upper half of the frame.

Height and Distance: making the flower pot look big and tall.
leading lines: using the rocks to line up.

artist reflection
1:the leading line is the best photo.
2:the height and distance is the worst photo.
3:by changing the angle and edit more on the photo.
4:i use Photoshop,also i use adjustment tools and the blemish tool.
6:taking photo.
7:editing the photo.
8: i would take different shots.
9: i would rate this as a 8%.

contact sheet


  1. Emphasize Foreground is the only one that is incorrect. Good job!

  2. Good image Quality and color overall. Just be aware of checking levels and light source.
